2020 Golf Open & QBT Events Cancelled

Due to the current Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and Health & Safety guidance as provided by the Ministry of Health, NZISA confirm that the following events will be cancelled for 2020:

  • 2020 NZISA Golf Open which was to be hosted by Auckland Indian Sports Club on Friday April 17th;

  • 2020 NZISA Queen’s Birthday Tournament which was to be hosted by Pukekohe Indian Sports Club from Saturday 30th May to Monday 1st June.

The 2021 Queen’s Birthday Tournament will be hosted by Pukekohe on Saturday 5th to Monday 7th June 2021. The 2021 Golf Open will be hosted by Auckland, with the final date to be confirmed later.

We hope all our members and families in New Zealand and abroad are safe in these surreal times. Individually and collectively we can flatten the curve.

For all information about Covid-19 please visit the official website www.covid19.govt.nz.

Take care,

New Zealand Indian Sports Association Inc.